Snicker Smoothie

Snicker Smoothie

Snicker Smoothie Heaven!  This is the nearest you’re going to get to a snicker bar without all the calories and sugar! By far my favourite smoothie at the moment.  The other day I added a handful of frozen raspberries to it, which not only changed the taste, but the...
Choco, Teecino, Coconut, Keto Shake!!

Choco, Teecino, Coconut, Keto Shake!!

  Choco, Teecino, Coconut, Keto Shake!! A delicious iced shake to take the edge off while on the Keto lifestyle. No sugar, no dairy, no caffeine and candida friendly recipe! 1 cup Teecino (Filtered)1/2 cup Coconut Milk (Ayam brand or homemade)2 tsp Cacao Powder...